NapsGear inventory is updated daily. In the rare instance that we discover an item out of stock in your order, we will contact you immediately to discuss your options.
Your account details and any order details are found here []. As a security measure, we will purge orders 4 months or older.
It is only possible to make a change to your order within 1 hour of placing it. You must contact us [] (within the hour). All orders are processed and shipped very quickly; changes can only be made if the order payment has not yet...
If your Moneygram/Western Union/RIA payment information has not been submitted to your order, you can delete the order in your account page []. If payment information has been submitted to your order page, please contac...
Your order details can be found under My Account []. Once your package enters the "paid" status, please allow up to 5 business days for shipping confirmation (weekends not included). The tracking number(s) should be u...
To view the contents of your cart, click on the "Shopping Cart []" link. Your items will remain in your cart until you check out. Keeping items in your cart does not guarantee the product price(s) at the time th...
Once you have finished adding items to your shopping cart and you are ready to complete your order, click "Checkout". You will then be transferred to our secure server and asked to create a new account or log in. Detailed payment instructions are provided...
It's always a great idea to place a small test order so you can see how high quality our products and service are. There is an exception: Western Union and MoneyGram do have an order minimum of $100. Bitcoin and litecoin are not subject to this limitati...
The default shipping address can be changed before checking out the order. If you have an old address in your account, please delete it from My Account under your saved addresses; this will prevent you from accidentally using the old address. If the wrong...